Herbs, both medicinal and food for most of them (see the sage, who is regarded as a sort of panacea that can cure all), are regularly consumed, without knowing whether the primary motivation of eater is to feed or heal. Tansy is nevertheless consumed donuts before being confined, in later periods, a single function de-worming medication. Medical...
Herbs, both medicinal and food for most of them (see the sage, who is regarded as a sort of panacea that can cure all), are regularly consumed, without knowing whether the primary motivation of eater is to feed or heal. Tansy is nevertheless consumed donuts before being confined, in later periods, a single function de-worming medication. Medical prescriptions often look at the plans, and potions found in the same plants from the garden.
The virtues of plants are known to scholars who establish dictionaries. Platearius described in the Book of Simple Medicines 420 different plants, some of which are as common as cabbage, and other rare and exotic.